New Year's Eve, the last day of 2023.

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New Year's Eve, the last day of 2023.

New Year's Eve, the last day of 2023.

Get out the sequins, the pumps, the bow ties and be the most beautiful for the most festive of evenings... New Year's Eve! New Year's Eve!

Of course, ELEGANCE DRIVER will be on hand throughout the last evening of the year, to escort you in or out safely.

You don't have to choose between drinking and driving! We'll let you drink and party, and we'll drive. Whether you're with friends, family, lovers, or even on your own, let us pick you up right from your doorstep, and take a seat in our luxurious cars, which will take you to the most beautiful receptions on the Côte d'Azur. And at the time of your choosing, we'll be there to drive you safely back home.

Don't waste time finding a seat, don't count the drinks, have fun, celebrate the end of the year as you wish and let ELEGANCE DRIVER light up your evening.

Do you know the history of New Year's Eve? I'm not just talking about the champagne bubbles, the lights, the last-minute countdown or the wild dancing to Claude François' "Cette année-là". I'm talking about the origins of this famous New Year's Eve...

We celebrate it every year, but who is it? Also known as Sylvester I, this pure Roman born in the 4th century A.D. was the 33rd Pope of the Catholic Church. Canonized in the 5th century, he was added to the list of saints recognized by the Church.

In reality, however, the former pope had very little to do with today's festivities. In fact, it was only under Charles IX, in 1566, that the changeover to the new year was definitively fixed on January 1, with the aim of unifying the kingdom of France. Sixteen years later, in 1582, the Gregorian calendar came into force, under the leadership of Gregory XIII. December 31 was assigned to Saint-Sylvestre, as it was the date of his death. So, unlikely as it may seem, the name of New Year's Eve is first and foremost a coincidence of history.

In fact, the festive nature of New Year's Eve may have some of its origins in pagan celebrations, particularly among the Celts. Indeed, we know that these peoples were accustomed to celebrating the passing of the seasons through a number of religious festivals, such as Samain (formerly Halloween).

Nevertheless, it's in Roman antiquity that we find what most closely resembles the premise of New Year's Eve. In fact, it was under Julius Caesar that the year began to be organized in a way similar to what we know today. In 46 BC, the Emperor introduced the Julian calendar, designating January as the first month of the year. At that time, to mark the winter solstice, a series of festivities were organized every year at the end of December in honor of the god Saturn: the Saturnalia.

In Roman antiquity, Saturnalia was a time of great rejoicing. Social divisions were broken down as slaves enjoyed temporary freedom, their masters' authority being temporarily suspended during the festivities.

But that's not all. In fact, it was during the Saturnalia that many of the rituals that continue to this day came into being. For example, this period was celebrated with many feasts, and it was customary to hang mistletoe in houses. During the final feast, that of the Sigillaires, it was customary to offer small gifts, particularly to children, such as terracotta seals or medals: a rite that gradually gave rise to étrennes.

You see, with ELEGANCE DRIVER we can even give you a little history...

But our strong point is still transport, and our drivers are there to meet your needs, so on this night they'll be on hand all night to offer you the best service.

Travel in complete safety, pay no attention to the time, enjoy this evening, this night, and trust ELEGANCE DRIVER to take care of the rest.

Don't hesitate, book your December 31st party now.

Contact us, it's toll-free.

Look no further than Élégance Driver. Contact us today to book your ride and experience the ultimate in luxury travel.

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